Jeani Martini (oil paintings) & Mark Farmer (ceramics)
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 6, 5 p.m.
Exhibit remains through June 1
Dolphin Gallery
Aside from differences in technique and skills, and palettes, the greatest determination of distinction between painters, one that is so rarely mentioned, is what the person does between paintings. If the artist is in the habit of daily meditation and the study of spiritual masters, that will automatically show up in the character of the work.
When artists such as Jeani Martini and Mark Farmer immerse themselves daily in the study and appreciation of world of nature, the most ordinary things reveal their own deep spiritual messages in the work. A certain almost indefinable subtlety shines forth from within. Perhaps it is because the close observation of nature teaches one to differentiate, and appreciate, the tiniest changes
in pattern or color that permits these artists to bring to view things one might otherwise miss seeing.
Jeani Martini grew up in the hills above Occidental, horseback riding so the great outdoors has always been a part of her life. She started painting in the seventies, but in the nineties she discovered plein-aire painting. Having to be outdoors to do her paintings takes her back to her childhood days and the joy of experiencing nature as if this is the best possible place to be. She also paints in her studio when the weather doesn't comply. "That's when I paint from photos I take of the horses and cows. So far I can't seem to convince them to pose for me!"
One of Jeani's paintings to be in the Dolphin exhibit has this story with it.
"In the late 80's and early 90's my husband and I fished the Gualala River every
winter for Steelhead. We would float down from Twin Bridges to Switchville in our
drift boat. There was this man who was always fishing with this adorable dog. When
the man went to his pick-up to grab a cup of coffee, his dog would sit by the fishing
pole, to guard it until the man came back. I was so moved that I painted a picture of
it, and called it "The Pole Sitter." I have since wondered who that man was, and
what the name of his dog was. To the person who can tell me who they are will be
given five matted note cards of images of my paintings."
Also, to celebrate this exhibit, Jeani had the idea of raffling off one of her
paintings. There is nothing to buy. Just your name and comments about the show on
a slip of paper will qualify you for the drawing done on the last day of the show -
June 1.
Due to a change in venue, Mark Farmer is quickly jumping in to fill the void. He will be showing his fine ceramic vessels done mostly in black with subtle variations in white and ivory designs, which with great serendipity, respond to some of the black and white works of Jeani Martini. Watch for more information and photos of Mark Farmer's bowls and vases.
The Dolphin Gallery is located at 39225 Highway One in downtown
Gualala, behind the post office on the south side,
and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call
(707) 884-3896 for more information.